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The Major Differences Between Palliative Care & Hospice Care

Palliative care givers

When dealing with a serious disease, it can be difficult to make sense of the various treatment options that are available. Palliative care and hospice care are two categories of medical assistance that are frequently mixed up with one another.

There are substantial distinctions between the two techniques, despite the fact that they both offer consolation and assistance to patients. The purpose of this blog is to educate you about the primary differences between palliative care and hospice care so that you are better equipped to make decisions regarding your own medical care or the care of a loved one.

Objectives of Care

The major objective of palliative care is to enhance the quality of life for terminally ill patients and their families. Regardless of the stage, of the sickness is at, this style of care concentrates on alleviating symptoms such as pain and stress as much as possible. Palliative care can be given concurrently with curative treatment, and it can be initiated at any time during the course of an illness.

Patients with a terminal illness and a life expectancy of six months or less, as established by a physician, are candidates for hospice care. Hospice care is provided to patients at no cost. When a patient is nearing the end of their life, hospice care focuses on easing their discomfort, managing their pain, and giving emotional support to both the patient and their family. The provision of curative treatments is not part of hospice care.


Palliative care is provided to patients of any age and at any stage of a serious illness. Patients can benefit from this type of care. In order to qualify for palliative care, one does not need to have a predetermined amount of time left to live or to have stopped receiving curative treatments.

A patient must have a terminal illness with a life expectancy of six months or less in order to be eligible for hospice care. This life expectancy must be determined by a physician. Hospice care is provided free of charge. Patients must also make the decision whether or not to pursue curative therapy and instead concentrate on comfort and the management of symptoms.

Location of Patient Care

Palliative care can be administered in a variety of locations, including the patient’s home, nursing homes, outpatient clinics, and hospitals. For the purpose of coordinating and supplementing the patient’s care, the care team collaborates closely with the patient’s main healthcare professionals.

Hospice care is administered mostly at the patient’s home, which enables the patient to remain in an environment that is both familiar and pleasant to them. However, hospice care can also be administered in residential care facilities such as nursing homes and assisted living communities, as well as in specially designed hospice centers.

Composition of the Care Team

A palliative care team would often include medical doctors, registered nurses, social workers, and other healthcare professionals who have received specialized training in palliative care. This group works cooperatively to meet the patients and their family’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in a holistic manner.

A hospice care team also consists of trained volunteers in addition to medical experts such as doctors, nurses, social workers, and other healthcare professionals. Additional services, such as spiritual counseling, grief support, and respite care for family carers, are frequently made available by the care teams that work in hospices.

Protection Provided by Insurance

Some commercial health insurance policies will pay for palliative care services, especially in cases of cancer. However, coverage may be different based on the particular services rendered and the insurance plan held by the patient. It is really necessary to confer with your insurance provider in order to ascertain the level of coverage you possess.

Patients who want to get treatment through a hospice program typically pay out-of-pocket costs linked to their terminal disease.

Both palliative care and hospice care aim to give patients with serious illnesses with assistance and comfort; yet, these two types of care are distinct from one another in terms of their objectives, eligibility requirements, venues, care team compositions, and insurance coverage.

Having a clear understanding of these distinctions can assist patients and their families in making well-informed decisions regarding the many treatment options available to them. Athulya assisted living offers a variety of skilled nursing care services other than palliative care, including physical therapy. If you are looking for a skilled nursing care facility, Athulya assisted living is a great option.

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Spine Curvature in Old Age & its Consequences

Old age Homes in Chennai

Athulya’s skilled nursing care is better able to assist their patients in controlling the symptoms of spine curvature disorders associated with aging if they have a deeper grasp of the factors that lead to these problems and the effects they have on patients’ lives.

Spine curvature abnormalities in older adults, including illnesses such as kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis, can have substantial repercussions for an individual’s overall health as well as their mobility and quality of life. In this article, a review of the causes, effects, and management techniques for spine curvature disorders in older adults will be provided. Particular emphasis will be placed on the significance of early detection, prevention, and intervention.

The spine is an essential part of the musculoskeletal system because it offers the spinal cord structural support, flexibility, and protection. Alterations in an individual’s spinal health can lead to the development of a variety of spine curvature diseases as a person ages. These illnesses can have a substantial impact on an individual’s general health and well-being. This article intends to investigate the causes of spine curvature problems in older persons, as well as the consequences of having these diseases and the treatment options used to treat them. The article will also highlight the need of addressing these conditions in order to maintain optimal health and quality of life as one gets older.

Disorders of the Spine that are Caused by Ageing

  • Degenerative Changes: Alterations in spinal alignment and the development of curvature problems can be caused by age-related degeneration of the spinal discs, joints, and ligaments, which can contribute to these conditions.
  • Osteoporosis: A decrease in bone density and strength, which is commonly associated with aging, can increase the risk of vertebral compression fractures, which can lead to changes in spinal curvature. These fractures can occur anywhere along the spine.
  • Imbalances in the muscles: As people get older, their muscles can become weaker and more unbalanced, which can lead to excessive forces being placed on the spine and contribute to the development of curvature diseases.
  • A genetic predisposition: Some people may have a genetic susceptibility to spine curvature diseases, and the symptoms may become more noticeable as they get older.

Consequences of Spine Curvature Disorders in Old Age

  • Pain and discomfort: Abnormal spine curvatures can lead to persistent pain and discomfort owing to increased pressure on the spinal nerves, joints, and discs. This is one of the consequences of spine curvature disorders that occur in old age.
  • Impairment of movement and balance: Disorders of the spine’s curvature can cause impairment of mobility and balance, which raises the risk of falls and the injuries that might result from them in older persons.
  • Problems with the respiratory and digestive systems Severe problems of the spine’s curvature can have an effect on the function of the respiratory and digestive systems, which can result in difficulties with breathing and digestion.
  • Psychological effects: Chronic pain, decreased mobility, and a lower quality of life are all symptoms that are connected with spine curvature disorders. These symptoms can all lead to feelings of depression, anxiety, and social isolation.

Strategies for the Management of Spine Curvature Disorders in Older Adults

  • Treatments considered conservative: Bracing, pain management, skilled nursing care, and physical therapy are all treatment options that may be useful in the management of mild to moderate spine curvature issues. These approaches are taken with the goals of promoting general function, lowering discomfort, and improving posture.
  • Surgical interventions: In extreme situations, surgical treatments such as spinal fusion, disc replacement, or osteotomy may be advised to address spinal abnormalities and reduce symptoms associated with them.
  • Changes in lifestyle: Keeping a healthy weight, being physically active on a regular basis, and practicing excellent posture are all things that can help avoid the onset of spine curvature problems and minimise the impact they have on overall health and well-being.
  • Pharmacological interventions: Medication such as analgesics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and bone-strengthening agents can be provided to persons with spine curvature issues in order to treat pain, inflammation, and bone health.

Spine curvature abnormalities in older adults are a major cause for concern in terms of public health because of the potential negative effects they can have on an individual’s overall health, mobility, and quality of life. It is crucial to have methods in place for early detection, prevention, and intervention in order to minimize the impact that these disorders have on older persons and to ensure optimal spinal health throughout the aging process.

Athulya Assisted Living Facility provides comprehensive care for senior citizens. and one of the finest Old age homes in Chennai. For further information, kindly visit Athulya Assisted Living.

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Self-Care Summer Tips for Seniors

Skilled nursing care

Its Summer! Time to take care of yourself. If you can’t, Athulya is one of the finest Retirement homes in Chennai to age gracefully without stress.

Self-care can also lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, blood pressure, and cancer. And, from a spiritual standpoint, it can help them discover meaning and purpose in their life.

High humidity and heat can be hard, especially for the elderly. Heat-related illnesses can occur whether the temperature is high inside or outside for senior citizens.

Here are some self-care tips for seniors to maintain good health during the Summer by Athulya Assisted Living : 

Stay Hydrated

  • Water regulates body temperature and lubricates and supports joints. Even if you’re not thirsty, drink plenty of water. As you increase your water consumption, reduce your consumption of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, as these can only dehydrate your body.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are also suggested to help you stay hydrated.
  • Severe dehydration can cause disorientation, weakness, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, bedsores in individuals who are bedridden, and other dangerous diseases. Even a 1.5 percent dehydration can cause cognitive impairment, headaches, and fatigue.

Wear Light-coloured Cloth

  • Light-colored clothing reflects the majority of the heat that falls on them, which makes them more pleasant to wear in the summer.
  • To stay cool and comfortable, stock your wardrobe with light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Organic fabrics, such as cotton keep you cooler than synthetic fibers.

Beware of Heat Stroke

  • People over the age of 65 are particularly vulnerable to heat-related illnesses. Senior citizens cannot acclimatize to temperature fluctuations as quickly as younger people. This might be due to medications they are taking or chronic conditions that impair their capacity to control their body temperature.
  • Heat stroke symptoms include confusion, disorientation, dry skin, severe weariness, headache, lethargy, nausea, and a fast pulse. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, get medical treatment right away.
  • Using air conditioning and fans, closing curtains and blinds, and staying out of the sun during the heat of the day are all practices that can help older adults stay safe and cool. Cold baths or showers, flowing cool water over portions of the body, and wet clothes on hand may all help.

Eye Protection

  • Prolonged UV radiation exposure changes lens proteins, resulting in cataract development and deteriorating vision. Cataracts can cause eyesight to become blurry, cloudy, or less colorful over time. UV radiation has been related to eyelid cancers such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
  • UV rays can be effectively blocked by sunglasses. They are required if you want to avoid common summer eye problems. Numerous studies have shown that sunglasses can help prevent eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and pterygium.
  • Wear a broad-brimmed cap to safeguard your eyes. A hat will shield you from around half of the UV radiation that you are exposed to.

Skin Protection

  • Since aging skin is so thin and dry, the elderly have unique skin care needs. If their skin becomes too dry, it is prone to cracking and dermatitis, allowing germs to penetrate and cause illness.
  • When going outside, use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher, even on cloudy or overcast days. Make certain that the sunscreen blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Expired sunscreen should be discarded since the chemicals decay over time and may no longer be effective in protecting you.
  • Hats are another excellent choice for sun protection. Stay in shaded areas whenever possible, such as covered patios or shady trees.

Athulya Assisted Living facility, a home-like atmosphere in which elders can live a dignified, safe, and independent life after retirement. They also assist you with day-to-day duties as well as clinical treatment with Skilled nursing care.

They guaranteed stress-free life for seniors by offering comprehensive care with 24/7 nursing assistance. For further information, kindly visit Athulya Assisted Living.

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World Liver Day: Does Aging Increase Chances Of Liver Diseases?

Athulya Assisted Living in Chennai

World Liver Day is observed during April to raise awareness around liver health in totality. There are various potential health risks connected to lifestyle decisions that may affect your liver health.

As many of us are very well aware of the vitality of the liver in the human body system as it is the biggest organ in the body. Being the bigger organ, it generates vital proteins, cleanses the body and helps boost our metabolism.

Even mild alterations to your lifestyle without mindfulness and moderation could escalate situations for you, health-wise.

Understanding your body’s call for help, particularly in the post-covid era, liver illness can be asymptomatic in its early stages and its quite possible that seniors can be unaware of it before it turns serious. As a result, prevention and early detection are essential for maintaining healthy liver function.

Liver diseases such as hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer and pancreatic cancer doesn’t seem unfamiliar to the ears, is it? These can turn out to be life-threatening. Liver being one of the most complex organs in the human body, barring immunity and digestion, it also carries filtration of toxins, stores and vitamins and minerals.

Your liver is literally your lifeline as it is a detoxification organ. Its time you take the right measures to de-liver good health to your liver!

We often tend to ignore healthy habits during stressful times, but the lifestyle decisions we make have a big influence on our health and well-being, including our liver. Stress can occasionally result in more frequent drinking or smoking. Hence, in addition to adopting healthy lifestyle changes, we also need to consider how to deal with stress, which is a constant companion in modern life.

High-risk individuals with a family history of liver disease, obesity, or diabetes should go through routine screenings and visits to a gastroenterologist to ensure that the disease is detected and diagnosed in its earliest stages.

Although, when the liver is functioning extremely well, it is still vital to look after the other bodily organs and critical metabolic issues like controlling blood pressure, diabetes, and ischemic heart disease by adopting a healthy lifestyle.

On this World Liver Day, let’s take a minute to consider our lifestyle choices and resolve to take care of our liver health by adopting little but meaningful lifestyle adjustments so that we can lower our chance of developing liver disease and live longer and healthier lives.

We at Athulya, have carefully curated a simplistic geriatric care system for senior patients liver diseases, with the help of exceptionally certified doctors and proficient nursing assistance.
Athulya assures senior parents of a peaceful and wholesome experience during their stay with us.

Allow us to walk you through a gamut of facilities tailor made purely catering to the needs of senior parents. For further inquiries, please feel free to connect with us via Athulya’s official website at Athulya Assisted Living.

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Are post-stroke seizures highly likely in old age?

elderly health care services

Elderly health care services specified that Seizures affect around 10% of all stroke patients from the time of the attack, and stroke is the most prevalent cause of seizures in the elderly Post-stroke is caused by changes in electrical activity inside the brain. But, having a stroke does not mean that you will have a seizure, and having a seizure does not ensure that you have epilepsy.

Causes of Post-stroke seizures :

  • A stroke is a neurological damage caused by a clogged or ruptured cerebral artery. When a stroke happens, a part of the brain is deprived of oxygen-rich blood, which can result in tissue injury and other brain abnormalities.
  • An unexpected surge of brain electrical activity induces a seizure. When a stroke damages brain tissue, it can impair the passage of electrical activity among nerve cells which results in a seizure.
  • Seizures might appear to have an assortment of causes. Changes in consciousness or awareness, cognitive or emotional changes such as perplexity or worry, looking blankly, and involuntary convulsions or jerking motions of the arms and legs are all signs of a seizure.
  • Decreased blood flow, Low cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen, Changes in neuron excitability, Increased blood-brain barrier permeability, and Scar tissue formation are changes in the brain that occur after a stroke and may render the brain more vulnerable to seizures.

Risk factors for post-stroke seizures :

  • Seizures are more prevalent after a hemorrhagic stroke that caused by a burst in an artery than an ischemic stroke that caused by a blocked artery.
  • The larger the area of tissue damage that occurs in the brain, the more serious the stroke. the interruption of the brain’s electrical activity, can increase the probability of having a seizure.
  • Seizures are more likely to develop when a stroke affects numerous lobes of the brain rather than one. Seizures seem to be more frequent in those who have had an ischemic stroke in the cerebral cortex or hippocampus. When the middle cerebral artery is involved in a hemorrhagic stroke, the risk of seizures increases.
  • A recent study discovered that survivors under the age of 65 are 65% more likely to have post-stroke seizures. While seizures are more prevalent in younger people, stroke is the leading cause of seizures in the elderly.
  • It is essential to remember that the start of post-stroke seizures may have nothing to do with the stroke at all. For example, whether or not a stroke has occurred, certain people are genetically susceptible to seizures.

Types of post-stroke seizures :

Seizures are divided into two major types. These two types, known as focal and generalized onset seizures.

  • Focal onset seizures – Focal onset seizures, also known as partial seizures, occur in a specific region of the brain. This sort of seizure may cause the sufferer to fall, display muscular twitching, or experience sensory alterations such as altered smell or taste. A person who is having a focal seizure may look bewildered, confused, and unresponsive to questioning.
  • Generalized onset seizures – Seizures with generalized onset impact both of the brain’s hemispheres. People suffering from generalized seizures frequently exhibit broader global symptoms such as muscular spasms or flailing, loss of consciousness, vocal noises, rhythmic muscle movements, stiffness, and loss of bladder control.

First Aid for Post-stroke seizures :

Acknowledging how to assist someone who is suffering a seizure following a stroke is essential for their safety and well-being.

  • Get them safely to the ground – If the person is sitting or standing, gently transfer them to the floor. This will save them from falling and hurting themselves badly. Check to ensure they’re not too close to the edge of the bed when lying down.
  • Do not hold back the person – Stopping someone’s movement during a seizure will not end the seizure. The seizure is occurring in their brain rather than their body. Keeping them tight can only harm them and even yourself.
  • Remove nearby objects When a person cannot regulate their body during a seizure, they are unconscious of their surroundings and are unable to avoid sharp things. Keep them safe by removing anything harmful and eliminating any other items that might damage them, such as glasses or anything around the neck.
  • Don’t put anything inside their mouth – During a seizure, people cannot regulate their jaw motions, thus placing something in their mouth is a big choking threat and can inflict severe harm to their mouth.
  • Measure seizure duration – If a seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, call an ambulance immediately.
  • Speak softly and comfortingly – Following a seizure, the individual is likely to be perplexed, nervous, and maybe frightened. Console them and assure them that everything will be fine.

For Senior’s Stroke Care, Visit Athulya Assisted Living. Athulya Assisted Living is India’s best retirement community, with world-class senior-focused features and services. There is skilled nursing care and frequent doctor visits.

So no longer need to look for “physiotherapy near me,” because Athulya physicians are always nearby to provide any type of medical treatment in Assisted living.

As a result, Athulya guarantees a secure shelter for older persons. They also offer post-stroke care by providing personalized services for senior adults. For further information, visit Athulya Assisted Living.

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The Extensive Care That Is Required For Autistic Seniors

senior independent living

“Autism offers us with a chance for us to glimpse an awe-filled vision of the world that might otherwise pass by”. – Colin Zimbleman

It is studied that seniors across the country deal with numerous physical and mental health conditions every day. Autism in seniors and understanding how it impacts their lives can help make a difference not just in the senior’s lives but also the families they belong to.

Key Takeaways :

  • There is very little research available on older adults with autism, which can make understanding what they go through more unnoticed and difficult.
  • Seniors with autism are more susceptible to challenges that many other adults don’t recognize as challenges such as financial struggles or health related discrepancies.
  • Senior adults with autism have it more difficult in social settings when it comes to building relationships especially at a time when keeping up with social ties are heavily emphasized upon.

Possible Signs Of Autism In Senior Adults :

  • Lack of social skills
  • Behaviour repetition
  • Sensitivity to light and sound
  • Obsessive interests

As per study, women with autism have more muted symptoms and chances are that they can live on with these symptoms undiagnosed even the later stages of their life.

Identifying autism in seniors can also be made more harder considering the differentiation of symptoms for each senior, gender wise.

Autism is a wide spectrum, if you actually look at that way. Certain individuals with autism may be intellectually challenged and yet be non-verbal. That said, its important to understand that autism by itself isn’t an illness and neither should be seen in that light.

The signs can vary as people change and evolve with age and autism becomes more ‘readable’ or identifiable so to speak.  As adults, we tend to mask these symptoms due to societal pressure and instead choose to replicate acceptable common social behaviours to blend better only to avoid judgements and questions that comes with standing out.

Challenges Faced By Seniors With Autism :

While the stereotype is set and almost made an establishment when it comes to senior adults that health conditions of any kind can adversely affect them, it isn’t the always the case. Some seniors may face additional challenges while some don’t necessarily struggle going about with their day-to-day activities. This is where it becomes important to take note and underline that autism in seniors isn’t a debilitating condition. Some senior adults can lead a strong and independent approach to life while some seniors may experience a myriad of mood swings.

But the notable challenges are enlisted below :

  • Financial – Savings especially during one’s retirement can be a hard phase to endure and can also contribute to anxiety in seniors. Some seniors with autism maybe more prone to spending money faster on hobbies and entertainment.
  • Health – Seniors with autism are susceptible to health conditions such as heart, lung and diabetes.
  • Social – Older adults with autism have a harder time forming and maintaining connections made socially.

One common and easy way for seniors to stay involved in communities, build connections socially and foster friendships is for their families to have a conversation which is kept open and judgement-free.

We are hoping this blog was informative enough for you and that the format was light enough for a read!

Athulya Assisted Living offers palliative and transition care services for elders in Chennai, Bangalore and Cochin, assisting seniors to live life independently without them having to step out their homes. Seniors with autism require a cartload of empathy, gentleness and compassion and these are attributes we at Athulya are proud torch-bearers of.

From us to your loved one, we are just a call away! Please feel free to reach us at 98849 45900 or write to us at :

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Smoking and its long-term effects as you age above 60

lungs diseases symptoms

The most common cause of death and many health problems in senior adults is smoking. Smoking has an impact on nearly every organ in the body, especially the lungs and heart.

Smoking has been associated with an increased risk of cognitive impairment and dementia in older persons, as well as an increased risk of macular degeneration, cataracts, hearing abnormalities, breathing problems, bad odour, and taste abilities.

Smoking can causes cancer, heart disease, stroke, lung diseases, diabetes, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis.

Smoking also increases the risk of tuberculosis, certain eye diseases, and immune system problems, including rheumatoid arthritis.

It can also make some health problems worse in senior adults, including diabetes, osteoporosis, lung cancer symptoms, and mental health problems, such as depression and the loss of memory and concentration skills.

It can cause Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) which is nothing but breathing shortness in seniors that make them often feel breathless, cough, or generate more saliva than usual. COPD is frequently caused by smoking and other lung-damaging factors.


Smoking is a part of daily life for someone who has smoked for a long time, and quitting may be tough.

As you become older, your bones weaken and change their form, which can impact the structure of your rib cage can cause lungs diseases symptoms. These are three critical measures for preventing serious respiratory problems:

  • Break the cycle – Most smokers have a regular schedule of when, where, and even social circumstances in which they smoke. It is important to break this routine. Try taking them to the movies or visiting friends to get them out of their routine and distract them from the need to smoke.
  • Remove things – Remove any ashtrays, matches, lighters, cigarette cases, and cigarettes that remind them of smoking. Clean the house thoroughly of any items that may have absorbed the odor of smoke, such as curtains, clothes, carpets, blankets, bedding, linens, and upholstery.
  • Encourage each steps – Create encouraging posters and leave encouraging notes to remind them of their goals. When they successfully progress, celebrate and record their accomplishments.
  • Distraction – Breathing fresh air and doing some exercise will remind them how much less tired they are today. Distracting them from their craving and supporting them as they go through this period is priceless.
  • Meditation – Look for alternatives to replace their smoking habit with healthy options. Meditation may be a great technique to focus on positive change while also naturally calming your mind.

Healthy foods for senior adults

Having a well-balanced diet is essential for remaining healthy as you get older. It can assist you in maintaining a healthy weight, being motivated, and getting the nutrients you require. It also reduces your chances of getting chronic health disorders like heart disease and diabetes.

Consume meals high in fiber, vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients to satisfy your nutritional requirements. To maintain a good healthy diet with healthy food, follow the given senior health tips below:

  • Calories – To maintain a healthy weight, you’ll usually require fewer calories as you get older. Eating more calories than you burn leads to weight gain and obesity raises the risk of illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes.
  • Calcium – Dairy products including milk, cheese, and yogurt are rich in calcium. Sardines and other canned fish with bones contain calcium as well. Calcium may also be found in green leafy vegetables (such as broccoli, cabbage, and spinach), soya beans, and tofu.
  • IronSeniors should consume enough iron-rich meals to help replenish their body’s iron stores. Red meat is the finest source of iron. It’s also in pulses (like peas, beans, and lentils), oily fish like sardines, eggs, bread, green vegetables, and morning cereals with extra vitamins.
  • Hydration – You may not realize you’re thirsty as you get older. Drink plenty of fluids on a regular basis. Water can also be obtained via juice, tea, soup, or water-rich fruits and vegetables. Senior adults’ bodies require sufficient hydration to function correctly and to prevent constipation.


Vitamin C – rich foods and beverages help in iron absorption, so combine some fruit or vegetables or a glass of fruit juice with an iron-rich meal. Citrus fruits, green vegetables, peppers, tomatoes, and potatoes are rich in Vitamin C.

Vitamin D – is important for everyone because it helps to grow and maintain healthy bones, teeth, and muscles. Sunlight, meals, and vitamin D supplements are the three primary sources of vitamin D.

Folic acid – rich foods help in the maintenance of excellent health in old age. Green vegetables, brown rice, bread, and breakfast cereals that have vitamins added are foods that contain folic acid.

Visit Athulya Assisted Living

Athulya senior care is one of the best assisted living in Chennai, they have the best palliative care centers in Chennai. The nurses are quite skilled, and doctor visits are regular. As a result, Athulya guarantees a secure place for older persons with no room for error.  To know more, visit Athulya at Athulya Assisted Living.

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Athulya Assisted Living in Bangalore – A serene place for seniors to age gracefully.

serene retirement homes bangalore

How do you feel when the thought of “growing old” props up?

For some, it’s a thought filled with fear.. fear of uncertainty and loneliness while for some it’s about getting habituated to change.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. In fact, it shouldn’t be that.
We are social creatures and there is actually such positive energy in store for us, more than we know or can realize.

“Getting older makes you more alive. More vitality, more interest, more intelligence, more grace, more expansion”.

Getting old is inevitable – let’s face it and often times we become habituated to dwelling in the past that we actually miss out on the magic of the present moment. We suggest that you put your your best bets on living a happily peaceful and independent life as you age, with Athulya Assisted Living in Bangalore!

A home that a 20-year-old lives in would be way different from a home that a senior would prefer to live in. Senior adults need different preparations such as impeding movements causing accidents due to certain kinds of furniture.
If anything, we at Athulya, only strive to make this living at home experience a more convenient one for older people.

As much as staying connected with our environment is concerned, it only happens when there is a sense of brisk or activeness to the being. To be able to truly enjoy your hard-earned financial savings, to be able to take up a sport that keeps you feeling younger day by day, almost making you gleam as you look forward to the next day because you enjoy what you do with your time.

Again, we at Athulya Assisted Living, extend a friendly nudge for you to come visit us to experience the warmth of a loving home filled with silver-haired grandpals who feel at their youthful best.

All that said, a key take home message is the fact spaces hold a lot of meaning and energy by itself let alone the people that energize it. We take such pride in flaunting our ever-youthful seniors, that chose to trust us in this innings of their lives and for infusing the space with such zest, dignity, positivity and resilience.

With the hustle and bustle that comes with Bangalore, you can drop all your worries concerning your senior parents at our doorstep because once you step inside Athulya Assisted Living, it becomes a whimsical world for you and your loved one. With eyes that smile at the very welcome point to the hands that hold you as through it all, this is a retirement home for your seniors that has all the comfort and luxury all under one roof!

We at Athulya Assisted Living always stress upon the importance of uniqueness and serenity in a retirement home – and our Bangalore facility “just fits the bill”, if we had to quote our grandpals.

As a senior independent living facility, our facilities ranging from slip proof floorings, well-lit rooms for better vision, community kitchen experience, hospital and transportation services, specialty consultation visits, in-house salon to assistance for banking and financial services, we have it all covered. Our most recent noteworthy development in our Bangalore facility, is the palliative care unit.

We hope that this was an informative and breezy read for you!
Please feel free to reach us at 98849 45900 for booking an appointment to visit our facility to experience what a truly senior-friendly premium Assisted Living space feels like!


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Activities for Better Engagement for the Elderly With Dementia

Elderly With Dementia

Dementia is inarguably one of the most feared diseases that is almost imminent in old age. Not only does it numb their cognitive skills, but also severely impairs their quality of life. Of course, there are treatments for dementia that may help bring down the symptoms significantly, but, quite unfortunately, dementia is a terminal illness.

So, apart from medications, how does an elderly cope with dementia? With medications doing their job at one end, there are numerous mental activities out there that could help stabilize their mind and prevent their cognitive skills from breaking apart.

This way, seniors will have a fighting chance to completely alleviate the effects of dementia and lead a normal life with their loved ones. Hence, here are the aforementioned activities we think could brighten up the lives of dementia-stricken senior citizens.

Remember, the dementia patient is not giving you a hard time. The dementia patient is having a hard time.” – Anonymous

Memory-teasing activities for dementia

  • Look through photo albums: There’s nothing like grazing through old photo albums that could help trigger the memories of seniors with dementia. Such photo album sessions could bring up their favourite memories from the past.
  • Watch old movies and TV shows: Some seniors may have been huge fans of an old film or a show. Try using that as a gateway to liven up their minds, subsequently firing up their memories.
  • Listen to music: It is almost impossible to come across someone who doesn’t have a liking for music on this planet. From insanely famous albums to school carols, music has often been the biggest stress reliever for humans. Hence, use that to your advantage and play your loving senior their favourite song or two. There is a high chance that the senior might react to it and enjoy it.

Interesting activities for seniors with dementia

  • Knitting: Knitting is one of the best ways to improve the cognitive skills of seniors with dementia. The constant hand-eye coordination coupled with their knitting interests can help cheer them.
  • Painting: Art can help anyone safely express their feelings through utmost creativity. Similarly, try letting dementia-ridden seniors play with the creativity of art, which will not only help with dementia but also reduces stress.
  • Crafts: Like painting and knitting, crafts are another interesting way for seniors to explore the side of creativity. Playing with clay or malleable play-dough can be quite fun for dementia-stricken older adults.
  • Riddles and puzzles: Try getting your seniors puzzles which are completely fail-safe and could well tease their brains.
  • Old recipes: Cook your loving senior their favourite meal which can trigger their memory quite effectively.

Here are other fun activities that can keep seniors engaged:-

  • Take them for a walk
  • Gardening and watering the plants
  • Feeding the birds and bird-watching
  • Embrace the feel of nature in a park
  • Enjoying an afternoon watching your favourite sport
  • Read newspaper

Yoga for Seniors with Dementia

Yoga is a globally-recognised activity that has numerous advantages and potentially increases one’s life span. What’s more, Yoga can even act as a barrier between human life and several chronic and terminal diseases.

Hence, amidst such qualities beneath this ancient practice, here are some of the biggest benefits of yoga for seniors coping with a memory illness as serious as Dementia:-

  • Improved circulation, breathing, and range of motion, which aids fall prevention and the extension of mobility.
  • Increase in ability to cope with pain
  • The ability to counteract the negative consequences of chronic stress
  • Greater emphasis on qualities and talents of oneself

Choose Athulya Assisted Living for safe and secure senior life

If you or your senior parents are looking for a senior home in Chennai, Bangalore, Kochi or Coimbatore, do choose Athulya Assisted Living. With entirely senior-oriented facilities installed across South India, Athulya flaunts itself as the best senior care provider.

Athulya has also designed a special care plan for senior patients with Dementia and other brain-numbing diseases. Hence, with the help of immensely qualified doctors and skilled nursing staff, Athulya promises a safe and happy stay for senior patients. To know more, visit Athulya’s official website at Athulya Assisted Living.

You can also contact Athulya via E-mail. Reach out to the highly proactive team at

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Assisted LivingDesign for AgingLifeStyleLoneliness and SeniorsSenior Care & ChallengesSenior Living

Mistakes to avoid while planning and caring for the elderly.

caring for elders

As our loved ones age, it’s important to plan and care for them in a thoughtful and compassionate manner. However, there are some common mistakes that caregivers can make, which can result in negative consequences for both the elderly person and the caregiver. Here are some important mistakes to avoid when planning and caring for the elderly.

Athulya Assisted Living’s mission is to help seniors age gracefully and live freely in utmost security and comfort. We do this by offering both short-term and long-term assisted living care as well as rehab care.

Wishes and preferences

Firstly, it’s essential to avoid ignoring the wishes and preferences of the elderly person. It’s important to remember that they are still autonomous individuals with their own thoughts and desires. They may have strong opinions about where they want to live, what type of medical treatment they want to receive, and how they want to spend their time. Ignoring these preferences can lead to feelings of resentment and powerlessness, which can negatively impact the relationship between the elderly person and the caregiver.


Not involving the elderly person in decision-making is a common mistake that can lead to a loss of autonomy and dignity. Caregivers may think that they know what’s best for the elderly person, but it’s essential to involve them in the decision-making process. This can help to build trust and foster a sense of respect and autonomy, which can improve the overall quality of life for the elderly person.

Plan for the future

Thirdly, failing to plan for the future is a mistake that many caregivers make. It’s important to think ahead and plan for long-term care and end-of-life care. This can include creating a living will, making financial arrangements for long-term care, and making sure that legal documents are in order. This type of planning can help to reduce stress and uncertainty for both the elderly person and the caregiver.

Social Interactions

Overlooking the importance of social connections and activities is another common mistake that caregivers make. As people age, it can be easy to become isolated and disconnected from the community. Caregivers can help to combat this by encouraging their loved ones to participate in social activities and events. This can help to improve mental and physical health and can also provide a sense of purpose and meaning.

Safety Concerns

Neglecting to assess and address safety concerns is a common mistake that caregivers make. As people age, their physical abilities may decline, making them more susceptible to accidents and injuries. It’s essential to assess the home environment for potential hazards and make modifications as needed. This can include installing grab bars, removing tripping hazards, and ensuring that the home is well-lit.

Caregivers needs

Neglecting the caregiver’s own needs and well-being is a common mistake that can lead to burnout and exhaustion. Caregivers must prioritize their own physical and emotional health to be able to provide the best care possible. This can include seeking support from friends and family, taking breaks when needed, and seeking professional support when necessary.

Assuming all seniors have the same needs and abilities is a mistake that can lead to a one-size-fits-all approach to care. Every elderly person is unique and has their own set of strengths, weaknesses, and needs. It’s essential to create a personalized care plan that takes into account the individual’s physical, emotional, and social needs.

Financial costs

Failing to consider the financial costs of care is a mistake that can lead to financial strain and stress. Caregivers must plan for the costs of long-term care, medical expenses, and other expenses associated with caring for an elderly person.

Waiting too long to seek help or support is a common mistake that can lead to caregiver burnout and exhaustion. It’s essential to seek support and resources as soon as possible to reduce the burden of caregiving and improve the overall quality of care.

Finally, underestimating the value of professional support and resources is a mistake that can lead to minimal care for the elderly person. With the help of our Athulya Assisted Living facilities, older adults will be able to live healthier, happier, and more respectable lives with us.

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