
Wellness & Nutrition

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Dehydration in Elderly People: Risks, Warning Signs, and Prevention Tips

Dehydration in Elderly People

As individuals age, maintaining optimal health becomes increasingly important at Athulya Assisted Living, and one often overlooked aspect is hydration. Dehydration poses significant risks for elderly individuals, impacting their overall well-being and potentially leading to serious health complications. In this blog, we will delve into the specific risks associated with dehydration in the elderly, highlight the warning signs to be vigilant about, and provide practical tips for preventing dehydration in this vulnerable demographic.

The Risks of Dehydration in the Elderly:

Impaired Cognitive Function:

Dehydration can act as a silent assailant, gradually affecting memory, attention, and overall mental acuity. For seniors who may already contend with age-related cognitive challenges, such as mild cognitive impairment or dementia, dehydration can exacerbate these conditions. Studies have shown that even mild dehydration can lead to noticeable declines in cognitive performance, including difficulties in concentration and memory recall. Recognising the pivotal connection between hydration and cognitive well-being is crucial in the overarching effort to provide comprehensive care for the elderly, underscoring the importance of vigilance and preventive measures in preserving their mental acumen.

Increased Risk of Falls:

Dehydration in elderly individuals not only affects how they feel inside but can also throw them off balance, making them more prone to falls. Dehydration can cause dizziness and weakness, increasing the chance of tripping or losing balance. The consequences of falls for seniors can be severe, leading to fractures, reduced mobility, and a decline in overall quality of life. Preventing dehydration becomes a crucial shield, ensuring seniors stand strong and steady in the face of these balance challenges, reducing the risks of unexpected tumbles.

Compromised Kidney Function:

The kidneys play a vital role in maintaining the body’s fluid balance. Chronic dehydration can strain the kidneys, potentially leading to kidney stones or urinary tract infections. Elderly individuals are already more prone to kidney-related issues, making hydration crucial for maintaining proper kidney function. Regular water intake helps flush out toxins and prevents the formation of kidney stones, supporting overall kidney health in the ageing population.

Exacerbation of Existing Health Conditions:

Dehydration can worsen existing health conditions commonly found in the elderly, such as diabetes and cardiovascular diseases. Inadequate hydration can lead to increased blood pressure, elevated heart rate, and complications in managing chronic illnesses. Proper fluid intake is a fundamental aspect of disease management, underscoring the importance of hydration as a preventive measure against the exacerbation of existing health conditions.

Delayed Healing and Recovery:

Adequate hydration is vital for the body’s healing processes. Dehydrated individuals may experience delayed recovery from illnesses, surgeries, or injuries. This delay in healing can significantly impact the overall well-being of seniors, prolonging their discomfort and potentially leading to additional complications. Ensuring seniors are well-hydrated is not just a measure of comfort but a proactive step in supporting their bodies’ natural healing mechanisms.

Subtle Whispers: Warning Signs of Dehydration in the Elderly

Dark Urine:

Monitoring urine colour is a simple yet effective way to assess hydration levels. Dark yellow or amber-coloured urine is a clear indicator of dehydration. Encouraging seniors to drink more fluids when they notice a change in urine colour can help maintain proper hydration.

Dry Mouth and Thirst:

Persistent dryness in the mouth and an increased sensation of thirst are early signs of dehydration. Elders may not always communicate their thirst, so our caregivers are observant and offer fluids regularly, even if the individual does not express explicit thirst.

Sunken Eyes and Dry Skin:

Dehydration manifests physically, with sunken eyes, dry or cool skin, and reduced skin elasticity being noticeable signs. These physical changes indicate a lack of fluid in the body. Regular checks for skin condition and eye appearance can provide valuable insights into hydration status.

Fatigue and Weakness:

Dehydration can lead to fatigue, lethargy, and overall weakness. Elderly individuals may find themselves more tired than usual, even with minimal physical exertion. So, our caregivers recognise the signs of fatigue and weakness and encourage increased fluid intake.

Dizziness and Confusion:

Dehydration affects cognitive function, leading to symptoms like dizziness, confusion, and difficulty concentrating. These signs may be subtle but should not be ignored, as they indicate a potential compromise in hydration status. Regular monitoring of cognitive function can help in early detection and intervention.

Guarding Against Dehydration: Practical Prevention Tips for Seniors

Encourage Regular Fluid Intake:

Ensuring that elderly individuals consume an adequate amount of fluids throughout the day is the cornerstone of dehydration prevention. Water is the best choice, but other hydrating beverages like herbal teas, diluted fruit juices, and broths can also contribute to overall fluid intake. Offering water-rich foods like watermelon and cucumber can further support hydration.

Monitor Medications:

Certain medications may contribute to dehydration as a side effect. Our caregivers are aware of these potential effects and work with our healthcare professionals to adjust medication plans if necessary. Regular medication reviews can help identify and address any medication-related dehydration risks.

Create a Hydration Schedule:

Establishing a routine for fluid intake can be beneficial. Encourage regular sips of water throughout the day, especially during meals and in between. Setting alarms or using hydration reminder apps can assist in maintaining a consistent schedule. Our caregivers play a crucial role in supporting and reminding seniors to drink fluids regularly.

Provide Hydrating Foods:

Incorporating hydrating foods into the diet is a practical way to support overall fluid intake. Water-rich fruits like watermelon, oranges, and berries, as well as vegetables like cucumber and celery, contribute to hydration while offering essential vitamins and minerals. Including these nutritious foods in daily meals and snacks enhances overall hydration levels.

Modify Texture of Fluids:

Some elderly individuals may have difficulty swallowing liquids. Modifying the texture of fluids, such as turning water into ice chips or providing thickened liquids, can make hydration more accessible for those with swallowing challenges. Our caregivers work with healthcare professionals to identify suitable modifications based on individual needs.

Consider Electrolyte Replacement:

In cases of illness, excessive sweating, or prolonged physical activity, replenishing electrolytes is crucial. This is achievable through electrolyte solutions under the guidance of our healthcare professionals. Ensuring a balance of electrolytes supports overall hydration and prevents imbalances.

Create a Comfortable Environment:

Ensure that the environment is conducive to hydration. Keep water readily accessible in easy-to-reach places, use cups with lids and straws to make drinking easier, and consider the temperature of the room to make it more appealing for consuming liquids.

Thus, dehydration in the elderly is a serious concern that requires proactive attention. By understanding the risks, recognising warning signs, and implementing preventive measures, our caregivers at Athulya Senior Care play a pivotal role in maintaining the health and well-being of elderly individuals. So, ensuring adequate hydration is not only a fundamental aspect of healthcare for seniors but also a simple yet powerful way to enhance their overall quality of life.

Information: This blog is for informational purposes only and should not be considered as a substitute for any treatment or diagnosis. Seek professional help in case of any emergency. Athulya is not responsible for any consequences.

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Wellness & Nutrition

Unlocking the Key Nutritional Concerns Among Ageing Populations: A Guide to 5 Common Challenges

Nutritional Concerns Among Ageing Populations


Ageing is a natural and inevitable part of life, bringing with it a myriad of changes in the physical, mental and nutritional aspects of seniors, involving a holistic approach to healthcare and well-being that addresses not only the unique medical needs but also fosters social connections and promotes a balanced lifestyle for a fulfilling and graceful ageing process. At Athulya Assisted Living, they pay attention to seniors’ nutritional needs to promote optimal health and well-being. This blog post unlocks the five common nutrition concerns for seniors and provides insights and strategies to navigate these challenges with grace and vitality.

Decreased Appetite and Caloric Intake

One of the foremost challenges seniors’ faces is a decline in appetite, leading to calorie intake. This decline can be attributed to various factors, including changes in taste buds, diminished sense of smell, dental issues, and side effects of medications. As a result, seniors may not be consuming enough essential nutrients, making them susceptible to malnutrition and a weakened immune system. To overcome this issue, seniors should focus on nutrient-dense foods that are vitamins and minerals in smaller and more frequent meals. Incorporating a variety of colourful fruits and vegetables, lean proteins, whole grains, and healthy fats can help ensure seniors meet their nutritional requirements. Additionally, with the help of dieticians and caregivers, elderly individuals can gain access to personalised diet plans according to their needs and preferences. By doing so, it can help stimulate the appetite of seniors.

Nutrient Absorption and Digestive Issues

With advancing age, the body’s ability to absorb certain nutrients may decline, but it can help with alternate nutrition food choices. Among seniors, digestive issues are the second most common concern that leads to constipation. Following the proper deficiencies in rich nutrients like vitamin B12, calcium, and fibre foods is vital to overcome this issue. Likewise, water consumption is a fundamental method to support digestion and prevent constipation. Dietary fibre from fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can contribute to a healthy gut as it helps with digestion and constipation. Consult a dietitian before incorporating supplements for nutrient absorption in seniors’ daily routines is vital. Regular check-ups help identify and address absorption issues by ensuring seniors receive the proper nutrients and diet plans to maintain optimal health.

Bone Health and Osteoporosis

Ageing often comes with a gradual loss of bone density and increases the risk of fractures and osteoporosis. Nutrients such as calcium and vitamin D play pivotal roles in maintaining bone health among seniors. Adequate intake of nutrient-rich foods such as dairy products (low-fat and non-fat milk, yoghurt, cheese), leafy greens, vegetables and fruits containing calcium and vitamin D should be integral components of the senior diet. Intake of vitamin D supplements is also crucial for calcium absorption, especially for elderly individuals with limited exposure to sunlight. But it should do under the guidance of a dietitian’s advice. In addition to dietary considerations, incorporating weight-bearing exercises into the daily routine is essential for preserving bone density and reducing the risk of falls. Engaging in activities such as walking, stretching, or strength training can contribute significantly to overall bone health and mobility in the later years of seniors.

Hydration and Kidney Function

Dehydration is a prevalent concern among elderly individuals, often complicated by a reduced sense of thirst. Inadequate fluid intake can lead to serious kidney function and overall health-related consequences while contributing to urinary tract infections. Seniors should maintain a consistent and sufficient water intake by including hydrating foods like watermelon and cucumber in their personalised diet. Monitoring fluid intake becomes even more critical in certain situations, such as during warmer weather or when dealing with illnesses that may increase the risk of dehydration. Regular check-ups with healthcare providers can help assess kidney function and provide tailored advice on maintaining optimal hydration levels.

Chronic Diseases and Dietary Management

Many seniors grapple with chronic conditions such as obesity, cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, hypertension, stroke, cancers and neurological disease. These conditions are managed effectively only through dietary choices that are pivotal for maintaining overall health and preventing complications. For instance, adopting a heart-healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins can assist in managing hypertension and reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues while also emphasising the importance of portion control, limiting sodium intake, and incorporating regular physical activity, all of which play crucial roles in promoting cardiovascular health among seniors with these chronic conditions. Seniors with diabetes must be vigilant about monitoring carbohydrate intake, choosing complex carbohydrates, and balancing meals with proteins and healthy fats. Collaborating closely with healthcare professionals like dietitians ensures that dietary choices align with the specific needs of elderly individuals managing chronic diseases, facilitating better health outcomes.

Furthermore, addressing chronic diseases through personalised dietary modifications is pivotal in managing health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and cardiovascular issues prevalent in ageing populations. A well-balanced diet rich in antioxidants, fibre, and essential nutrients supports overall health and can positively alleviate symptoms associated with chronic illnesses. Promote regular physical activity tailored to enhance capabilities, muscle strength and flexibility that contributes to improved mood and cognitive function. Open communication with healthcare professionals facilitates the identification of evolving health needs and allows for timely adjustments to nutrition and exercise plans.

In conclusion, the combination of a comprehensive, personalised approach encompassing nutrition, exercise, and healthcare collaboration at Athulya Senior Care plays an integral part in ensuring the well-being of seniors, fostering healthy ageing, and sustaining an active and fulfilling lifestyle in later years.

Information: This blog serves informational purposes only and should not replace any treatment or diagnosis. Seek professional help in case of any emergency.

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Assisted LivingDesign for AgingLifeStyleSenior Care & ChallengesSenior LivingWellness & Nutrition

Transition Care Planning: The Key to Seamless Transitions and Patient-Centered Care

Transition care in Chennai

In the intricate web of healthcare, transitions are pivotal moments that shape patients’ journey. From moving between care settings to undergoing shifts in treatment plans, these transitions mark significant milestones. Yet, in the quest for continuity and patient-centred care, the importance of transition care planning emerges as a beacon. This article delves into the essence of transition care planning, its role in fostering seamless transitions, and its profound impact on patient-centred care.

The Essence of Patient-Centered Care

Patient-centred care, often synonymous with person-centred care, forms the bedrock of modern healthcare philosophy. It signifies a paradigm shift from a one-size-fits-all approach to care that recognizes the individuality of each patient. This approach places patients and their unique needs at the heart of decision-making and care delivery.

At the core of patient-centered care lies effective communication. Healthcare professionals engage in meaningful dialogues with patients, listening to their preferences, understanding their goals, and collaborating to craft care plans that resonate with their values.

The Significance of Transitional Centers:

Transitions are the junctures where patient-centred care is put to the test. Moving from hospital to home, transitioning between healthcare facilities, or navigating changes in treatment plans—each transition can impact a patient’s well-being. Ensuring these transitions are seamless and aligned with the patient’s goals requires meticulous planning and coordination.

The Challenges of Transitions

Transitions, while essential, can be fraught with challenges. Miscommunication, fragmented care, and gaps in information transfer can lead to confusion and compromise patient well-being. In these moments, the need for transition care management becomes evident.

Transition care management is the compass that guides patients through the intricate labyrinth of transitions. It’s developing a comprehensive and patient-centred strategy to ensure a smooth journey between different care settings. Transition care management is about harmonizing medical interventions with patients’ aspirations, values, and preferences.

Transition care management involves collaboration among various healthcare professionals. Doctors, nurses, social workers, and caregivers work as a cohesive team to ensure that every aspect of a patient’s transition is seamlessly orchestrated. This includes not only medical care but also emotional and logistical support.

A cornerstone of transition care management is the holistic assessment of a patient’s needs. Beyond medical requirements, this assessment delves into psychological, social, and environmental factors that shape a patient’s well-being. Considering these dimensions, a patient-centered care plan is crafted and tailored to the individual’s unique circumstances.

Transition care management services bridge the gap between care settings, ensuring that vital information travels with the patient. From medication schedules to rehabilitation plans, this continuity of care prevents disruptions that can compromise a patient’s health.

Transitional Services in Chennai: Navigating Change with Care

In the vibrant city of Chennai, the evolution of healthcare embraces the concept of patient-centred transitions. Transitional services in Chennai recognize that each transition is an opportunity to enhance patient well-being. These services encompass a spectrum of support, from transitional centers that provide a controlled environment for recovery to transitional care management services that guide patients through the intricacies of change.

Transitional centers stand as pillars of support for patients amid change. These centers offer a haven where patients can receive specialized care while adapting to new circumstances. With a focus on holistic well-being, transitional centers cater to medical needs and emotional and social dimensions.

The Essence of Transitional Care Management

Transitional care management services in Chennai are the compass that guides patients through the transitions with expertise and compassion. These services ensure patients have a dedicated guide who coordinates their care, educates them about their conditions, and provides the necessary resources to navigate transitions successfully.

  • Embracing Patient-Centered Transitions

At the crossroads of transitions and patient-centred care, transition care planning emerges as a catalyst for change. By weaving patient preferences and aspirations into the care fabric, transition care planning transforms transitions from potential challenges into opportunities for growth and well-being.

  • Enhancing Quality of Life

Patient-centred transitions have a profound impact on the quality of life. By tailoring care plans to align with patient values, changes become stepping stones toward improved well-being rather than hurdles to overcome.

  • Empowering Patients

Transition care planning empowers patients by involving them in decision-making. Patients are not mere recipients of care; they become active participants in shaping their healthcare journey. This empowerment enhances their sense of control and agency.

  • Building Trust

Trust forms the foundation of patient-provider relationships. Through patient-centred transitions facilitated by transition care planning, faith is nurtured. Patients feel heard, understood, and valued, leading to stronger partnerships in care.

In the symphony of healthcare, transitions represent crescendos of change. The role of transition care planning as the conductor of this symphony cannot be overstated. By harmonizing patient preferences with care delivery, transition care planning ensures that every transition is a note of empowerment, a chord of seamless coordination, and a melody of patient-centred care. As the healthcare landscape evolves, Athulya Assisted Living is a testament to the commitment to holistic well-being and the enduring value of patient-centred care.

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The Untold Story of Mental Wellness in Palliative Care

palliative care

Psychological health takes its bends during different seasons of life. For someone living with palliative care needs, their mental wellness may have detrimental impacts. Global evidence depict higher reporting of anxiety, depression, psychological distress, and many other mental health issues among people receiving palliative care. The psychosocial burden of receiving palliative treatment is viewed among the caretakers and family members as well.

Addressing their psychological needs along with medical needs, is important. Supporting the mental health of seniors at their critical stages of health can be done by doctors, nurses, allied health professionals, social workers, family and friends. The psychological impact of cancer, HIV/AIDS, heart failure, or any other life-threatening disease when left unnoticed and unaddressed can lead to complexities than the disease condition. This clarifies the need and importance of a multidisciplinary approach including doctors, palliative care nurses, allied health professionals, and social workers.

The National Council for Hospice and Specialist Palliative Care Services defines psychosocial care as “care associated with the psychological and emotional well-being of the patient and their family and caregivers, including self-esteem issues, insight into an adaptation to the illness and its consequences, social functioning, communication, and relationships.”

Rise of Multiple Emotions

The cause of poor mental health among people receiving palliative care could be due to different reasons like disease diagnosis, altered lifestyle, poor access to healthcare, and lack of caregivers.

Overlooking their mental wellness can also shed undesirable effects on the treatment outcome and quality of life,

Being diagnosed with a life-threatening disease can give rise to multiple emotions.

  • Fear of death, deterioration of health, dependence on people, and pain is common.
  • Thoughts of not being able to achieve their dreams and ambitions, and death separating them from their loved ones can cause sadness in them.
  • The question of what is next after diagnosis can cause confusion and anxiety.
  • Transformations in their body, dependence, and socioeconomic status can lower their self-esteem.
  • Many individuals may vent their rage and anger. They may question their situation with anger and unsuccessful treatments can also make them angry.
  • Emotional distress (the inability to cope with emotions) is common in people with serious illnesses. Physical pain, isolation, dependence, and affected relationships with their loved ones can spurt emotional distress.
  • Denial is sometimes the first emotion an individual expresses at the time of diagnosis.

Strategies to Enhance Mental Wellness

There are several ways one can extend help and support mental wellness in seniors receiving palliative care.

  • Create a safe, calm, and private environment for them to unwrap their emotions.
  • Give them the space to express their feelings whenever they wish to.
  • Encourage them to open up about their fears and worries.
  • Know what kind of approach they may prefer. Some seniors may want an upbeat approach while some just want you to listen to them.
  • Spend quality time with them to apprehend their experiences and feelings.
  • Always ask open-ended questions to be sure of what they want.
  • Be an active listener. Acknowledge their feelings.
  • Encourage and partner with them to perform activities they enjoy doing like reading books, listening to music, drawing, gardening, and more.
  • Appropriate and consented physical touches like holding hands or offering a hug can make them feel safe and cared for.
  • Be prepared for moments where they express anger or even cry out. Just being around them, showing empathy, and offering them to talk, can be helpful in such situations.
  • Encourage them to create a memory box that includes objects, photos, letters, and gifts that bring them positivity and happiness.

Professional Support

Seeking a psychologist’s or a psychiatrist’s advice reduces the burden on the treatment team to meet the psychological needs of the seniors. It is also vital to consider evidence-based approaches to tackle certain mental health problems by seeking professional help.

The period of diagnosis and treatment initiation can be agonizing and due to the unavailability of a psychologist, the clinicians may share broad resources. Pulling in a psychologist for such discussions can be resourceful to communicate about the care plan and assess, identify, and treat the psychological concerns of palliative care seniors.

Other members of the palliative care team also support and help the seniors cope with mental disturbances.

  • Palliative care specialists can assist them to manage medical issues and educate them about symptom management and treatment. Being aware of the condition can help reduce worry and anxiety in seniors.
  • Spiritual care specialists can help seniors find purpose and fulfil their spiritual or religious needs.
  • Complementary therapists can bring relaxation and comfort with therapy.
  • Social workers can help seniors and their families to gain access to community organisations. They also provide mental support to the patient and their family.

Managing and improving physical health is the primary view while providing palliative care services, mental health is often abandoned. Athulya’s approach towards #caringforasenior addresses physical and mental wellness. Our geropsychologists along with the palliative care team help seniors build good mental health by instilling valuable tools to cope with disease stress, manage uncertainty, regulate emotions, and enhance communication and decision-making skills. To know more about Athulya’s Palliative care service visit our homepage, Athulya Assisted Living.

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The Ultimate Guide to Tracheostomy Care: Everything You Need to Know

Tracheostomy Care

Tracheostomy is a medical procedure in which an opening is created in the neck, allowing direct access to the windpipe ( trachea). This procedure is often performed in cases where a person is unable to breathe comfortably through their nose or mouth due to medical conditions like respiratory failure, severe throat injuries, or neuromuscular disorders.

At Athulya, we understand the unique challenges and responsibilities that come with caring for individuals with tracheostomies. Let’s delve into essential aspects of tracheostomy care, covering everything from the procedure itself to day-to-day care, potential complications, and the importance of compassionate support for residents and their families.


A tracheostomy is typically performed when a patient requires long-term respiratory support or when a medical condition obstructs the upper airway. During the procedure, a small incision is made in the front of the neck, followed by the insertion of a tracheostomy tube into the trachea. This tube serves as an artificial airway, allowing air to pass directly into the lungs, bypassing the mouth and nose.

Types of Tracheostomy Tubes

Tracheostomy tubes come in various sizes and designs, tailored to meet the specific needs of individual patients. Some common types include:

Cuffed Tracheostomy Tubes – These tubes have an inflatable cuff that seals off the trachea, preventing the passage of air between the tube and the tracheal wall. Cuffed tubes are commonly used in patients who require mechanical ventilation or have difficulty managing their secretions. 

Uncuffed Tracheostomy Tubes – Uncuffed tubes lack an inflatable cuff and are often used in patients who can breathe spontaneously without assistance. These tubes are preferred for those who can manage their secretions effectively. 

Fenestrated Tracheostomy Tubes: Fenestrated tubes have a small opening in the outer cannula, allowing air to pass through the vocal cords when the inner cannula is removed, This enables patients to speak more naturally.

Tracheostomy Care: The Essentials

Suctioning – Proper suctioning of the tracheostomy tube is essential to remove secretions and maintain a clear airway. Trained healthcare professionals at Athulya ensure this procedure is performed safely and efficiently, reducing the risk of infection and discomfort for residents.

Tube Changes – Regular monitoring of the tracheostomy tube is crucial to prevent complications and ensure optimal airflow. Our skilled nursing team is well-equipped to handle tube changes with utmost care and precision.

Stoma Care – Keeping the stoma (the opening in the neck) clean and dry is critical to prevent infections. Our caregivers are trained to provide meticulous stoma care, reducing the risk of skin irritation and other related issues. 

Speech and Swallowing – Residents with fenestrated tubes may require specialized speech and swallowing therapy. Athulya Assisted Living offers comprehensive rehabilitation services to help residents communicate and swallow safely.

Potential Complications and How We Address Them

While tracheostomies are generally safe and effective, there are potential complications that require vigilant monitoring and prompt intervention

Infection: Our stringent infection control measures significantly reduce the risk of infections related to tracheostomy care. Regular assessments and meticulous wound care contribute to better outcomes for our residents.

Tube Dislodgement: Accidental dislodgement of the tracheostomy tube can be life-threatening. Our staff undergoes extensive training to handle emergencies and ensure immediate reinsertion of the tube when necessary.

Tube Obstruction: Tracheostomy tubes can become blocked due to accumulated secretions or debris. Our experienced caregivers are skilled at recognizing signs of obstruction and performing suctioning as needed.

Skin Irritation: Proper stoma care and the use of appropriate dressings help prevent skin irritation around the tracheostomy site.

Aspiration: Residents with swallowing difficulties are at risk of aspiration, where food or fluids enter the airway. Our speech and swallowing therapists work closely with residents to enhance their safety during meal times.

Compassionate Support for Residents and Families

At Athulya Assisted Living, we prioritize emotional well-being as much as physical health. Our caring and empathetic team is always available to offer support and reassurance to both residents and their families. We understand that tracheostomy care can be overwhelming, and we strive to create a nurturing environment where residents can thrive.


Caring for residents with tracheostomies requires specialized knowledge, experience, and compassion. At Athulya Assisted Living, we provide comprehensive tracheostomy care to ensure the well-being of our residents. From skilled nursing to rehabilitation services, our team is committed to delivering the highest standard of care, enabling residents to lead fulfilling lives despite their medical challenges. With a focus on safety, comfort, and personalized attention, we stand as a beacon of hope for families seeking expert tracheostomy care for their loved ones.

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The Hidden Dangers of Old Age and Dependence on Domestic Helpers, Maids in India

Dependence on Domestic Helpers in India.

As we journey through life, we all aspire to grow old gracefully. However, old age often brings with it a unique set of challenges. In India, as in many parts of the world, it is common for seniors to rely on domestic helpers, maids, or individual caretakers for support. However, this dependence can expose them to potential risks and dangers. This article aims to shed light on this often-overlooked issue and offer practical solutions.

In Indian culture, family values are deeply ingrained. It’s a common tradition for multiple generations to live together under one roof. However, due to rapid urbanization and globalization, this pattern is changing. Youngsters are moving away for better opportunities, leaving the elderly behind. In such cases, the dependence on domestic helpers increases.

The purpose of this article is not to demonize domestic helpers or caregivers. Many of them provide invaluable services, often under challenging conditions. But it’s equally important to recognize the potential hazards and take necessary precautions.

Understanding the Concept of Athulya Senior Care

Before we delve deeper into the issues, let me introduce you to Athulya Senior Care – an organization that offers a comprehensive solution to many of the challenges faced by the elderly. Athulya Senior Care is a pioneer in providing assisted living facilities in India. Their aim is to redefine senior living and provide a safe, secure and caring environment for the elderly.

Athulya Senior Care understands that each person has unique needs and preferences. Therefore, they offer personalized care plans, ensuring that each resident is treated with respect and dignity. Their staff is trained to provide assistance with daily activities, medical care, and emotional support, ensuring the wellbeing of their residents.

The cornerstone of Athulya Senior Care’s philosophy is the belief that the elderly deserve more than just basic care. They deserve a life of dignity, independence, and joy. Thus, Athulya offers holistic solutions that encompass physical, mental, and emotional health.

The Rising Need for Assisted Living Facilities

The dependence on domestic helpers, maids, and individual caretakers is deeply rooted in our cultural norms. While it may have worked in the past, today’s fast-paced and demanding lifestyle has exposed the limitations and risks of this model.

One of the main concerns is the lack of professional training. Most domestic helpers in India are untrained and lack basic knowledge about elderly care. This can lead to neglect, mishandling, and in some cases, even abuse.

Moreover, the elderly often suffer from various health issues that require specialized care. Relying on untrained individuals can exacerbate these conditions and lead to further complications. This is where assisted living facilities like Athulya Senior Care come into the picture. They offer professional, specialized care tailored to the needs of the elderly.

Analyzing the Dangers of Old Age and Dependence on Domestic Helpers, Maids, Individual Caretakers

The dangers of old age and dependence on domestic helpers can range from minor inconveniences to serious safety risks. At the most basic level, there is the issue of privacy. Many elderly people feel uncomfortable having strangers in their homes, especially when they need assistance with personal tasks.

On a more serious note, there is the risk of abuse and exploitation. There have been numerous cases of domestic helpers taking advantage of the elderly, both financially and physically. Moreover, due to fear, shame, or lack of awareness, many of these cases go unreported.

Lastly, there are health and safety risks. Domestic helpers may not be trained to handle emergencies or provide proper care for seniors with specific health conditions. They may also not be aware of potential safety hazards in the home.

Home Safety for the Elderly: The Importance, Challenges and Tips

Home safety is critical for the elderly. Simple accidents like slips and falls can have serious consequences for seniors. However, ensuring home safety for the elderly can be challenging.

Firstly, many seniors have mobility issues or visual impairments that make it difficult for them to navigate their homes safely. Additionally, cognitive decline can make it harder for them to recognize and avoid potential hazards.

Despite these challenges, there are several steps you can take to improve home safety for the elderly. These include eliminating tripping hazards, improving lighting, installing grab bars and railings, and using non-slip mats in the bathroom and kitchen. Regular home assessments for the elderly can also help identify potential risks and areas for improvement.

Senior Proofing Your Home: Practical Steps and Measures

Senior proofing your home is a proactive step towards ensuring the safety and well-being of your loved ones. Here are some practical steps and measures you can take.

One of the most important aspects of senior-proofing your home is ensuring that the living space is free from clutter. This reduces the risk of falls, which are a leading cause of injury among seniors. Next, ensure that there is adequate lighting in all areas of the home. This is particularly important in staircases, hallways, and bathrooms.

Consider installing safety devices such as grab bars in the bathroom, railings on staircases, and non-slip mats on slippery surfaces. Additionally, keep a close eye on the kitchen, which can be a high-risk area due to the presence of sharp objects and hot surfaces.

Lastly, consider investing in smart home technology. Devices like medical alert systems, automatic stove shut-off systems and motion sensor lights can greatly enhance the safety of your home.

How Can Older Adults Stay Safe: Proactive Steps and Strategies

While it’s important to create a safe environment, it’s equally important for older adults to take proactive steps towards their own safety. Staying physically active can help improve balance and strength, reducing the risk of falls. Regular health check-ups can help detect and manage health issues early.

In addition, older adults should be educated about potential scams and financial exploitation. They should be encouraged to report any suspicious activity or mistreatment.

Finally, maintaining a strong social network can help reduce the risk of isolation and depression, which are common among seniors. Engaging in social activities and maintaining connections with friends and family can greatly improve the quality of life for older adults.

The Comprehensive Solutions Offered by Athulya Senior Care

At Athulya Senior Care, the safety and well-being of residents is the top priority. They offer comprehensive solutions that go beyond basic care. From personalized care plans to state-of-the-art safety features, Athulya is committed to providing a safe, secure and nurturing environment for seniors.

In addition, Athulya offers a range of services and amenities that cater to the physical, mental, and emotional health of residents. These include physiotherapy, cognitive stimulation therapy, diet and nutrition counseling, and a range of recreational and social activities.

Final Thoughts

The challenges and dangers of old age and dependence on domestic helpers are real. However, with awareness, proactive measures and the right support, it is possible to ensure the safety and well-being of our loved ones.

The comprehensive solutions offered by Athulya Senior Care provide a viable alternative to traditional care options. Their assisted living facilities offer a safe, secure and caring environment for seniors, reducing the risks associated with old age and dependence on domestic helpers.

If you or your loved ones are considering assisted living, I highly recommend scheduling a site visit to Athulya Senior Care’s facility. Witness first-hand the care, respect and dignity with which they treat their residents.

Schedule a site visit to Athulya Senior Care’s Assisted Living Facility Today.

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Redefining Retirement: The Impact of Athulya Assisted Living on Senior Well-being and Peace of Mind

Assisted living

Introduction to Athulya Assisted Living

As we age, the concept of retirement often evokes feelings of uncertainty and anxiety. Where will we live? How will we maintain our independence while receiving the necessary care? These are just a few of the many questions that seniors and their families must grapple with. Enter Athulya Assisted Living, a senior care community that is revolutionizing the way we think about retirement and offering unparalleled peace of mind for seniors and their loved ones.

Athulya Assisted Living is a premier senior care provider that offers a range of services to meet the unique needs of older adults. With a strong focus on promoting well-being, independence, and peace of mind, Athulya is redefining what it means to retire in today’s fast-paced world. In this article, we will explore the key features of Athulya Assisted Living, the benefits it offers to seniors, and how it is reshaping the retirement landscape.

The Concept of Redefining Retirement

Redefining retirement means challenging the traditional norms and expectations associated with growing older. For many seniors, retirement has long been synonymous with a loss of independence, feelings of isolation, and a diminished quality of life. However, assisted living communities like Athulya are changing this narrative by offering seniors the opportunity to maintain their independence, engage in meaningful activities, and build strong social connections.

By redefining retirement, Athulya is empowering seniors to lead fulfilling, active lives well into their golden years. This innovative approach to senior care is not only improving the overall well-being of older adults but also providing peace of mind for their families, who can rest assured knowing that their loved ones are in capable hands.

Benefits of Assisted Living for Seniors

There are numerous benefits to choosing an assisted living community like Athulya for seniors. These benefits span across various aspects of life, including physical, emotional, and social well-being.

First and foremost, assisted living provides seniors with the support they need to maintain their independence. This includes assistance with daily activities such as bathing, dressing, and medication management, as well as access to a range of services designed to promote overall well-being. Additionally, the staff at Athulya are trained to provide personalized care that is tailored to each resident’s unique needs and preferences.

Another significant benefit of assisted living is the opportunity for social engagement. Loneliness and isolation are common problems among older adults, and Athulya addresses this by offering a variety of activities and events designed to foster social connections and a sense of community. From group exercise classes to art workshops, residents of Athulya have ample opportunities to build lasting friendships and create meaningful memories.

Finally, assisted living communities like Athulya provide peace of mind for seniors and their families. Knowing that their loved ones are in a safe, supportive environment allows family members to feel confident in their decision to choose assisted living.

Key Features of Athulya Assisted Living

Athulya Assisted Living sets itself apart from other senior care communities with its comprehensive range of features and amenities designed to promote well-being and enhance the overall quality of life for residents. Some of the key features of Athulya include:

  • Spacious, thoughtfully designed living spaces that prioritize comfort and accessibility
  • Nutritious, chef-prepared meals tailored to individual dietary needs and preferences
  • A robust calendar of activities and events designed to promote physical, emotional, and cognitive well-being
  • On-site medical and wellness services, including routine health assessments and specialized care for chronic conditions
  • A dedicated team of compassionate, experienced professionals committed to providing personalized care and support

Independent Living vs. Assisted Living

When considering senior care options, it is essential to understand the differences between independent living and assisted living. Independent living communities are designed for seniors who are generally healthy and able to manage their day-to-day lives without assistance. These communities typically offer amenities such as fitness centers, dining facilities, and social activities but do not provide personal care or medical services.

Assisted living, on the other hand, is designed for seniors who require some assistance with daily activities but still wish to maintain a level of independence. In addition to the amenities offered in independent living communities, assisted living facilities like Athulya provide personalized care and support services to meet residents’ unique needs.

The Impact of Athulya on Senior Well-being

Athulya Assisted Living is committed to promoting the well-being of its residents by providing a supportive, nurturing environment that encourages personal growth and fosters a sense of belonging. The impact of Athulya on senior well-being can be seen in various ways:

  • Improved physical health through access to fitness programs, nutritious meals, and on-site medical services
  • Enhanced emotional well-being as a result of engaging activities, strong social connections, and compassionate care
  • Greater cognitive health through participation in mentally stimulating activities and opportunities for lifelong learning

Promoting Peace of Mind for Seniors and Their Families

One of the most significant advantages of choosing an assisted living community like Athulya is the peace of mind it offers seniors and their families. Knowing that their loved ones are receiving personalized care in a safe, supportive environment allows family members to focus on building and maintaining strong relationships with their loved ones rather than worrying about their well-being.

Furthermore, the staff at Athulya work closely with families to ensure that they are kept informed about their loved ones’ progress and any changes in their needs or preferences. This open communication fosters trust and ensures that everyone involved in the senior’s care is working together toward a common goal: the well-being and happiness of the resident.

How to Find the Right Assisted Living Facility Near You

Finding the right assisted living community for yourself or a loved one can feel like an overwhelming task. Here are some tips to help you navigate the process:

  • Begin by researching assisted living facilities in your desired area. Websites like can provide valuable information about the services and amenities offered, as well as reviews from current and former residents.
  • Schedule tours of your top choices. Visiting the communities in person can give you a better sense of the atmosphere, staff, and overall quality of care.
  • Ask questions during your tour. Inquire about staff-to-resident ratios, the level of care provided, and the types of activities and events available to residents.
  • Talk to current residents and their families to gain a firsthand perspective on the community and the quality of care provided.

Affordable Assisted Living Options at Athulya

Athulya Assisted Living is dedicated to providing high-quality senior care at an affordable price. By offering a range of living options and services, Athulya ensures that seniors can find the right level of care and support to meet their unique needs and budgets.

Conclusion and Next Steps for Choosing an Assisted Living Community

In conclusion, Athulya Assisted Living is revolutionizing the concept of retirement by offering seniors a supportive, engaging environment that promotes well-being and independence. With its range of amenities and services, Athulya is an excellent choice for seniors seeking a vibrant, fulfilling assisted living experience.

If you are considering assisted living for yourself or a loved one, we encourage you to explore Athulya further and find out how it can enhance your quality of life in your golden years. By prioritizing well-being, independence, and peace of mind, Athulya is redefining retirement for seniors and their families.

CTA: Get in Touch with Athulya Senior Care

If you are ready to learn more about Athulya Assisted Living and how it can improve the well-being of you or a loved one, we encourage you to reach out to our team. Our knowledgeable, compassionate staff are here to answer your questions, provide guidance, and help you make a confident, informed decision about your senior care options.

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The Major Differences Between Palliative Care & Hospice Care

Palliative care givers

When dealing with a serious disease, it can be difficult to make sense of the various treatment options that are available. Palliative care and hospice care are two categories of medical assistance that are frequently mixed up with one another.

There are substantial distinctions between the two techniques, despite the fact that they both offer consolation and assistance to patients. The purpose of this blog is to educate you about the primary differences between palliative care and hospice care so that you are better equipped to make decisions regarding your own medical care or the care of a loved one.

Objectives of Care

The major objective of palliative care is to enhance the quality of life for terminally ill patients and their families. Regardless of the stage, of the sickness is at, this style of care concentrates on alleviating symptoms such as pain and stress as much as possible. Palliative care can be given concurrently with curative treatment, and it can be initiated at any time during the course of an illness.

Patients with a terminal illness and a life expectancy of six months or less, as established by a physician, are candidates for hospice care. Hospice care is provided to patients at no cost. When a patient is nearing the end of their life, hospice care focuses on easing their discomfort, managing their pain, and giving emotional support to both the patient and their family. The provision of curative treatments is not part of hospice care.


Palliative care is provided to patients of any age and at any stage of a serious illness. Patients can benefit from this type of care. In order to qualify for palliative care, one does not need to have a predetermined amount of time left to live or to have stopped receiving curative treatments.

A patient must have a terminal illness with a life expectancy of six months or less in order to be eligible for hospice care. This life expectancy must be determined by a physician. Hospice care is provided free of charge. Patients must also make the decision whether or not to pursue curative therapy and instead concentrate on comfort and the management of symptoms.

Location of Patient Care

Palliative care can be administered in a variety of locations, including the patient’s home, nursing homes, outpatient clinics, and hospitals. For the purpose of coordinating and supplementing the patient’s care, the care team collaborates closely with the patient’s main healthcare professionals.

Hospice care is administered mostly at the patient’s home, which enables the patient to remain in an environment that is both familiar and pleasant to them. However, hospice care can also be administered in residential care facilities such as nursing homes and assisted living communities, as well as in specially designed hospice centers.

Composition of the Care Team

A palliative care team would often include medical doctors, registered nurses, social workers, and other healthcare professionals who have received specialized training in palliative care. This group works cooperatively to meet the patients and their family’s physical, emotional, and spiritual needs in a holistic manner.

A hospice care team also consists of trained volunteers in addition to medical experts such as doctors, nurses, social workers, and other healthcare professionals. Additional services, such as spiritual counseling, grief support, and respite care for family carers, are frequently made available by the care teams that work in hospices.

Protection Provided by Insurance

Some commercial health insurance policies will pay for palliative care services, especially in cases of cancer. However, coverage may be different based on the particular services rendered and the insurance plan held by the patient. It is really necessary to confer with your insurance provider in order to ascertain the level of coverage you possess.

Patients who want to get treatment through a hospice program typically pay out-of-pocket costs linked to their terminal disease.

Both palliative care and hospice care aim to give patients with serious illnesses with assistance and comfort; yet, these two types of care are distinct from one another in terms of their objectives, eligibility requirements, venues, care team compositions, and insurance coverage.

Having a clear understanding of these distinctions can assist patients and their families in making well-informed decisions regarding the many treatment options available to them. Athulya assisted living offers a variety of skilled nursing care services other than palliative care, including physical therapy. If you are looking for a skilled nursing care facility, Athulya assisted living is a great option.

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Self-Care Summer Tips for Seniors

Skilled nursing care

Its Summer! Time to take care of yourself. If you can’t, Athulya is one of the finest Retirement homes in Chennai to age gracefully without stress.

Self-care can also lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, blood pressure, and cancer. And, from a spiritual standpoint, it can help them discover meaning and purpose in their life.

High humidity and heat can be hard, especially for the elderly. Heat-related illnesses can occur whether the temperature is high inside or outside for senior citizens.

Here are some self-care tips for seniors to maintain good health during the Summer by Athulya Assisted Living : 

Stay Hydrated

  • Water regulates body temperature and lubricates and supports joints. Even if you’re not thirsty, drink plenty of water. As you increase your water consumption, reduce your consumption of caffeinated and alcoholic beverages, as these can only dehydrate your body.
  • Fresh fruits and vegetables are also suggested to help you stay hydrated.
  • Severe dehydration can cause disorientation, weakness, urinary tract infections, pneumonia, bedsores in individuals who are bedridden, and other dangerous diseases. Even a 1.5 percent dehydration can cause cognitive impairment, headaches, and fatigue.

Wear Light-coloured Cloth

  • Light-colored clothing reflects the majority of the heat that falls on them, which makes them more pleasant to wear in the summer.
  • To stay cool and comfortable, stock your wardrobe with light-colored, loose-fitting clothing. Organic fabrics, such as cotton keep you cooler than synthetic fibers.

Beware of Heat Stroke

  • People over the age of 65 are particularly vulnerable to heat-related illnesses. Senior citizens cannot acclimatize to temperature fluctuations as quickly as younger people. This might be due to medications they are taking or chronic conditions that impair their capacity to control their body temperature.
  • Heat stroke symptoms include confusion, disorientation, dry skin, severe weariness, headache, lethargy, nausea, and a fast pulse. If you or someone you know is experiencing these symptoms, get medical treatment right away.
  • Using air conditioning and fans, closing curtains and blinds, and staying out of the sun during the heat of the day are all practices that can help older adults stay safe and cool. Cold baths or showers, flowing cool water over portions of the body, and wet clothes on hand may all help.

Eye Protection

  • Prolonged UV radiation exposure changes lens proteins, resulting in cataract development and deteriorating vision. Cataracts can cause eyesight to become blurry, cloudy, or less colorful over time. UV radiation has been related to eyelid cancers such as basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
  • UV rays can be effectively blocked by sunglasses. They are required if you want to avoid common summer eye problems. Numerous studies have shown that sunglasses can help prevent eye diseases such as cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and pterygium.
  • Wear a broad-brimmed cap to safeguard your eyes. A hat will shield you from around half of the UV radiation that you are exposed to.

Skin Protection

  • Since aging skin is so thin and dry, the elderly have unique skin care needs. If their skin becomes too dry, it is prone to cracking and dermatitis, allowing germs to penetrate and cause illness.
  • When going outside, use sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher, even on cloudy or overcast days. Make certain that the sunscreen blocks both UVA and UVB rays. Expired sunscreen should be discarded since the chemicals decay over time and may no longer be effective in protecting you.
  • Hats are another excellent choice for sun protection. Stay in shaded areas whenever possible, such as covered patios or shady trees.

Athulya Assisted Living facility, a home-like atmosphere in which elders can live a dignified, safe, and independent life after retirement. They also assist you with day-to-day duties as well as clinical treatment with Skilled nursing care.

They guaranteed stress-free life for seniors by offering comprehensive care with 24/7 nursing assistance. For further information, kindly visit Athulya Assisted Living.

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Are post-stroke seizures highly likely in old age?

elderly health care services

Elderly health care services specified that Seizures affect around 10% of all stroke patients from the time of the attack, and stroke is the most prevalent cause of seizures in the elderly Post-stroke is caused by changes in electrical activity inside the brain. But, having a stroke does not mean that you will have a seizure, and having a seizure does not ensure that you have epilepsy.

Causes of Post-stroke seizures :

  • A stroke is a neurological damage caused by a clogged or ruptured cerebral artery. When a stroke happens, a part of the brain is deprived of oxygen-rich blood, which can result in tissue injury and other brain abnormalities.
  • An unexpected surge of brain electrical activity induces a seizure. When a stroke damages brain tissue, it can impair the passage of electrical activity among nerve cells which results in a seizure.
  • Seizures might appear to have an assortment of causes. Changes in consciousness or awareness, cognitive or emotional changes such as perplexity or worry, looking blankly, and involuntary convulsions or jerking motions of the arms and legs are all signs of a seizure.
  • Decreased blood flow, Low cerebral metabolic rate for oxygen, Changes in neuron excitability, Increased blood-brain barrier permeability, and Scar tissue formation are changes in the brain that occur after a stroke and may render the brain more vulnerable to seizures.

Risk factors for post-stroke seizures :

  • Seizures are more prevalent after a hemorrhagic stroke that caused by a burst in an artery than an ischemic stroke that caused by a blocked artery.
  • The larger the area of tissue damage that occurs in the brain, the more serious the stroke. the interruption of the brain’s electrical activity, can increase the probability of having a seizure.
  • Seizures are more likely to develop when a stroke affects numerous lobes of the brain rather than one. Seizures seem to be more frequent in those who have had an ischemic stroke in the cerebral cortex or hippocampus. When the middle cerebral artery is involved in a hemorrhagic stroke, the risk of seizures increases.
  • A recent study discovered that survivors under the age of 65 are 65% more likely to have post-stroke seizures. While seizures are more prevalent in younger people, stroke is the leading cause of seizures in the elderly.
  • It is essential to remember that the start of post-stroke seizures may have nothing to do with the stroke at all. For example, whether or not a stroke has occurred, certain people are genetically susceptible to seizures.

Types of post-stroke seizures :

Seizures are divided into two major types. These two types, known as focal and generalized onset seizures.

  • Focal onset seizures – Focal onset seizures, also known as partial seizures, occur in a specific region of the brain. This sort of seizure may cause the sufferer to fall, display muscular twitching, or experience sensory alterations such as altered smell or taste. A person who is having a focal seizure may look bewildered, confused, and unresponsive to questioning.
  • Generalized onset seizures – Seizures with generalized onset impact both of the brain’s hemispheres. People suffering from generalized seizures frequently exhibit broader global symptoms such as muscular spasms or flailing, loss of consciousness, vocal noises, rhythmic muscle movements, stiffness, and loss of bladder control.

First Aid for Post-stroke seizures :

Acknowledging how to assist someone who is suffering a seizure following a stroke is essential for their safety and well-being.

  • Get them safely to the ground – If the person is sitting or standing, gently transfer them to the floor. This will save them from falling and hurting themselves badly. Check to ensure they’re not too close to the edge of the bed when lying down.
  • Do not hold back the person – Stopping someone’s movement during a seizure will not end the seizure. The seizure is occurring in their brain rather than their body. Keeping them tight can only harm them and even yourself.
  • Remove nearby objects When a person cannot regulate their body during a seizure, they are unconscious of their surroundings and are unable to avoid sharp things. Keep them safe by removing anything harmful and eliminating any other items that might damage them, such as glasses or anything around the neck.
  • Don’t put anything inside their mouth – During a seizure, people cannot regulate their jaw motions, thus placing something in their mouth is a big choking threat and can inflict severe harm to their mouth.
  • Measure seizure duration – If a seizure lasts longer than 5 minutes, call an ambulance immediately.
  • Speak softly and comfortingly – Following a seizure, the individual is likely to be perplexed, nervous, and maybe frightened. Console them and assure them that everything will be fine.

For Senior’s Stroke Care, Visit Athulya Assisted Living. Athulya Assisted Living is India’s best retirement community, with world-class senior-focused features and services. There is skilled nursing care and frequent doctor visits.

So no longer need to look for “physiotherapy near me,” because Athulya physicians are always nearby to provide any type of medical treatment in Assisted living.

As a result, Athulya guarantees a secure shelter for older persons. They also offer post-stroke care by providing personalized services for senior adults. For further information, visit Athulya Assisted Living.

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